The Healing Temple is a personal sacred space or container that
carries and protects our soul and energy through life.
Through wrong action, misuse of will, injury or out right assault, the
integrity of such a container can be damaged or even non existent,
leaving us naked and vulnerable to the malignant forces and entities
the universe.
During the course of a session, the healer holds,
reinforces, restores and supports you within your own sacred space.
Feeling safe and secure, your ego temporarily lets go of its survival
mechanisms (of fight or flight), and your spirit is freed up to
re-focus its consciousness and energy on your healing.
Residential and Business
One Month or Three Month Long Intensives
your Sessions
To Start your Healing Journey
Subscribe and Receive Free Healing via my YouTube channel
Free 10 minute Introductory "Sample" Session
(transmitted remotely, for new clients only)
- Expectations
24 Benefits of Healing
Signs -
The Chakras and Experiencing the Healing Energies
and Intensives
Information about the Healing
You Have stuff. You are Not your stuff
Dark Night of the Soul and your Spiritual Immune System
In Surrender to and Alignment with the Higher Self
Co-Creating with your Human and Higher Self
Experiences that Inspire - Potentials and Possibilities for All
ALL healing ultimately comes from God or Source.
Those who channel this "Grace" are called "Ministering Angels" or
Healer is simply a Pure Channel of Energy, Higher Consciousness, Love and Light. |
Our Spirit Self is not bound or limited by our physical body
When our small human self opens up links to and aligns with the
consciousness and energy of Spirit, we effectively become an extension
of that Spirit and become its Spiritual "Agent", "Channel",
"Intermediary" or "Representative". These connections to Spirit
are unique for each soul, and make up ones "Spiritual Lineage".
this particular case, I (David) am linked up to a multitude of various
multi-dimensional "Aspects" (my "Being"), and above that, to my own
Higher Self and Source. In addition, outside of that personal sphere,
am also connected in consciousness to countless other Spirit Beings
(Angels, Masters, etc), ALL of who make up the unique collaborative
healing team of this particular Healing Temple I present and
My healing work is as effective as it is because I draw upon the power
of this Vast Unlimited Spirit, Not of the human personality, body or
“Healer” is not the limited body, persona, mind or ego
that makes up this human self. These qualities are just
the “tip of the iceberg” of the whole being, revealing a
fraction of what powers can be accessed from the Unlimited
Spirit. |
When “We” (my spiritual lineage) are working with you, the
healing does not come from nor necessarily come through the shell of
this physical body, ego personality or limited human mind (such a
little container can never hold the immensity and complexity of
Spirit). However, these "lower" parts do help link or “ground” the
consciousness and energies of Spirit into this dimension (like
electricity is grounded into the earth by a wire). This grounded
connection allows me to act as the "
for my own Lineage, but also gives me the ability to communicate with
your higher self and those Spirits that make up your lineage.
The healing work itself ultimately comes from and is directed by the
Higher God Consciousness I am an extension of. It is from
this "Super-Conscious" level that the Higher Self can access any
information about your situation and then - if and when in alignment
with the Divine Plan - proceed to heal it
Healing by Mutual
As a “Spiritual Agent", my role is to get as much of your
being in agreement with, committed to, and engaged in this
healing process as possible. This "alignment of intention" must be
present if any degree of healing work is to occur. This is the prime
key - the major component - that allows us (your lineage and mine) to
spiritually and energetically work together towards a common goal - a
successful healing.
Working together
is more powerful than alone
as said, "two
heads are better than one".
Co-Creating the Healing Experience
It is true that "All is within", yet.. it is also true that our
ability to access "All" our spiritual resources is somewhat limited
due to our resistances. I certainly could not have gotten to
where I am now without the support of many healers. Likewise, I
know that when "we" (my Spiritual Healing Team and I) work with
you, our combined resources move you beyond your
current limitations - beyond what you can achieve by yourself.
And to be clear, when you ask for and receive a healing, you
don't "
give your power away" to me, but rather (by working
together) we "
empower each other" to "co-create" a healing
event. Actually, this is the definition of Healing.. and Love -
it's the bringing together of that which is
separate... into
Once the intention to heal is "initiated" or "activated"... and
transmission of the energies occur... I (David) step out of the way
and "Let go and let God". At this point, I (my personal self) am
no longer in control nor conscious of what goes on in your healing
session... and what you experience is then between you, our Spirit
Selves, and God.
Spiritual Healing is to be
Felt... Not Analyzed
Your experience of the healing session is yours alone. My Higher
Self may share with me some pertinent information about it, but only
that which is the absolute minimum necessary to know.. and then convey
to you later. But generally, during your session, I usually do not
receive any sensations, images, or messages. Spirit wants the healing
to be received and processed simply, safely and easily. If you were
given all the information about what is occurring in your session
, this would be too overwhelming, mentally confusing, and emotionally
disturbing. Besides, to the limited conscious mind, such information
can easily distract ones attention away from the healing, thereby
drawing it into the mind to be fodder as an academic exercise, not a
life altering event. In other words, Spiritual Healing is something to
be felt, not analyzed.
The healing work itself is not designed to stroke your mental
appetites and academic interests - if you want that, take a
class or read a book. This work is designed to get you out of
your head and into your heart.
Our biggest hurdle in life is our mutually ingrained FEARS
and "MISSED-TRUST" of each other. the Holy Spirit
and of God. It is these Fears and Mistrust
that are the cause for all our feelings of "Separation"
and Alienation. To overcome and heal and move into a
place of ONE-NESS and LOVE, it requires that we
step into the healing relationship with FAITH and TRUST
in the Spirit directing the work and God who is overseeing our
life. Without Faith and Trust, nothing in life is
accomplished, yet, Faith and Trust is not something most
of us now have a great deal of, and so it must be exercised
and tested... over and over again. This healing work provides
one of the best opportunities to practice this you will ever
find. |
No one lives in a vacuum - the cycle of life is a constant giving and
receiving. No one can only give and give - or receive and receive
without creating a karmic imbalance. This is why I advocate
an equal exchange of money for healing services. Most people have
a gross imbalance in this area manifesting as co-dependent behaviors,
questionable boundaries, power manipulation and control. And since few
are able to give of themselves without trying to get something back in
return... and receive without feeling dis-empowered... I
have outlined what you must pay in order to get this
healing... simple, uncomplicated, straight forward. These clearly
defined set fees for services maintains a balance in our exchange so we
can both have clear boundaries and integrity.
The Ultimate Act of "Self Empowerment"
Spirit and I hold your free will with the utmost respect and
consider your well being (and our work together) as a sacred trust. A
good part of that is to present you every opportunity to practice,
exercise and demonstrate love for yourself. One of the ways we do this
is by allowing you the choice to invest money energy and time in your
own healing. In the past we were willing to gift the healing work free
of charge as an expression of
our love for you,
but we have come to recognise there is another truth at play on this
earthly dimension we cannot ignore: if we freely gave the healing work
away, with no personal sacrifice on your part, we would do you a
disservice by not alowing you to deeply tap into the core of your own
power - ie, to reciprocate and express love in turn. For the healing
process to work at its most effective, ALL involved must feel they are
contributing... be it an exchange of time, energy or money. As it
stands here, the agreement I/my spirit offers is that we will work with
you in exchange for payment, so you feel empowered and we can continue
to offer this service to the world (Yeah, everyone is a winner !).
Spirit Works as and through PeopleThe
countless beings manifesting on earth (as humans) and existing in the
astral etheric dimensions (as spirits) ALL have different areas of
expertise and function. The particular being I identify with as "Self"
is composed of individualized "soul aspects" (my greater "Being").
Above and beyond these dimensional planes of existence and being I
source the infinite God Self (how can one put this into words?).
Besides this "Self", I also collaborate with a collective of other
Spirit Selves (aka my "healing team"). Together, we hold a massive
container that sources some very unique healing gifts, the purpose
of which is (at the very least) to further expand the light of your
awareness so that you may come to know and manifest the magnificent
Spirit Self YOU are.
Your Spirit has a unique purpose
Are you curious to know what that is?
This healing work will help you find out.
The Messenger
I (David) don't profess to be infallible or perfect. The
messages that come to me from within and above must first come through
the filters of my own human mind before they are shared with you. I
too am still in the ongoing process of clearing the way to ground and
integrate the full measure of my own Higher Self into this “David”
person. With this in mind, take anything I say with a grain of salt -
if it feels right to you then it is your own truth I am mirroring (and
you are ready to hear it). If not, let it go and follow your own
counsel. I am not here to argue with you – that’s a waste of our time
- you get it or you don’t.
If or when I am guided to convey certain “sensitive” or possibly
“unpleasant” messages, I will strive to be true to expressing that
inner voice, even at the risk of losing you as a client (which has
happened). On the outside chance such information may benefit you
(either now or further on down the road) I will consider it my gift to
the greater good. I have learned not to be in judgment of what comes
through, trusting it is always with your highest and best interests in
mind. Regardless, whatever information I offer you are always in
choice to accept or reject.
I am Not a Psychic
I don’t give advice on finances or romance - if you want such
information go ask a psychic (or whoever else does these
things). I may from time to time offer some words on such matters
(if guided) but with that (like anything I say) you are always free to
think and do as you please.
This is Not a Cult
Though I do have my own set of beliefs, teachings and opinions, I
don't expect or ask you to have the same. The main purpose for me
sharing my thoughts and feelings in this venue is for you to get a
sense of who I am so that we can develop a level of trust and openness
in our relationship (please read my
I have any agenda, it's that you be happy and healthy. If that
involves doing this work.. great... if not, I trust Spirit will find
you another way.
Except for the healing treatments, I do not (usually) proscribe any
diets, exercises or other things you must do or not do in your life.
All these things have their place, but advising you about any of them
is not my thing. In regards to you, it's all about the healing work -
that’s my bottom line. You are always free to come and go into or out
of this work as you choose. There are no strings in my healing
relationship with you on any level - Spirit will not allow it.
Besides, I wish to remain free and un-encumbered from that which would
only interfere with my own healing process (if I were to ensnare, cord
or hook you into my energy field, I would be equally trapped). Once my
Spirit is finished working with you, we totally remove ourselves from
your energy field. After that, your life and what you choose to do
with it is between you and God. As I indicated, the information
I share about my self is to show you that I am a real person. However,
this work is not about me or who I am - it’s all about YOU... who you
are and what or who you can be. It’s about living your dream and
fulfilling your potential. The end goal of my work is to get you to a
point where you can tap into your own spiritual source and not have to
run to a psychic (or me for that matter) for the answers to all your
questions - I've got more important things to do than run your life.
However, if you allow me, I can be a most powerful ally to help you
achieve your own spiritual goals and destiny in this life time...
dissolving all that stands between you and you dream... your glorious