Alchemy:Process of Spiritual Transformation
All that exists within the universe is composed of
energy: electro-magnetic energy, thermal-chemical energy,
potential-gravitational energy, solar-photonic energy, subatomic-nuclear
energy, psychic-mental energy, vibrational-sound energy....
We live in an ocean of energy: we breathe energy, smell energy, taste
energy, see energy, touch energy and think energy. Whether we are aware
of it or not, energy in one form or another permeates every one and
every thing. This energy is processed and incorporated within our beings
at every moment of our lives. The law of physics states that “energy
cannot be created or destroyed, only transmuted from one form to
another”. Within the context of healing, this transformation or
shift of energy from one state to another is called “Alchemy”.
An Evolutionary Consciousness
According to Hindu mysticism, our physical
spine has within it an etheric channel called "Shushumna". At the base of our sacrum within this
channel resides a coiled
up dormant energy and consciousness called "Kundalini", personified as the Goddess "Shakti". When awakened from her long
slumber, the Kundalini proceeds to uncoil and ascend up through the
Shushumna, penetrating all the chakras, eventually to meet and
merge with her counterpart in spirit, personified as the God "Shiva". Durring the
process of this ascension, the Kundalini activates and awakens many
psychic powers
and abilities, bestowing many mystical experiences and
spiritual realizations.
Kundalini is
well represented through out time and across many religious traditions:
to the Greek mystery schools it
is the serpent headed "Staff" or "Caduceus" (a symbol still used by the
medical profession today); to the ancient Mayans it is the rainbow
feathered serpent "Quetzalcoatl"; in the Old Testament it is the
"serpent" in the "Garden of Eden"; and from a "scientific" point
view, the undulating movements of a snake (this Kundalini) mimic the
spiraling vortex of electro-magnetic energy created when a current of
electricity runs through
a metal pole.
Ley Lines and VortexesKundalini exists not just within our bodies, but also throughout the
physical universe.
In Chinese Feng Shui and Celtic Geomancy, this conscious energy flowing
through channels in the earth are known as "Dragon" or "Ley
Lines". Upon crossing and accumilating points of these lines many
sacred powerful temples were built. In fact, most of the older churches
in Great Britain were build upon the foundations of these ancient
temples. If you look at Celtic art today, Ley Lines and Vortexes
are still well represented.
In special locations on the planet (Sedona, Arizona for ex.)
ley line energies can be felt to not only run in linear lines,
but circulate in clockwise and counter clockwise directions going into
and out of the planet. This phenomena is likened to the positive and negative poles of a
magnet: swirling vortexes of energies radiating up and out of the earth are
considered "positive"... and swirling vortexes of energies
descending into the ground are considered "negative". The positive vortexes give out energy (beneficial if
one is deficient or lacking in energy), and the negative vortexes
absorb energy (beneficial if one holds an excess amount of stuck blocked energies in the body, or if one is feeling
Ley Lines and Vortexes also have corespondent energy points within our
own bodies. Ley Lines are likened to the energy "Meridians" of Oriental
Medicine and Vortexes are likened to the "Chakras" (in the Sanskrit
language, "chakra" translates as "wheel"). Our chakras (located in the
front and back of our bodies, palms, head and feet) may go through
alternating phases where they spiral clockwise or counterclockwise...
radiating or absorbing energy. Everyone is different, but normally the
chakras in the front of the body radiates out energy... and the chakras
in the back of the body receives energy.
Intention Will and DesireNo
matter how powerful Shakti
Kundalini is in the the created universe, as she exists within our
body mind, she is (to a great extent) still subject to our free will.
Meaning, we have the ability to resist, block and suppress her... or...
we can surrender to her wisdom and allow her to flow freely (this conflict is outwardly manifesting as the struggle we now see
unfolding between the ultra conservative religious right and women who
want sovereign control over their own bodies).
Who and what we are is greatly determined and directed by the intentions
or will of our "ego" mind and the desires of our heart. What we intend, will and
desire - in essence what we project out into the world - is what we attract, attach to and become. In other
words, as we project out our thoughts and feelings (ie. energy) towards
anything or anyone, we may find ourselves taking on or identifying with
that external state of matter, mind or consciousness. For example, when
we incarnate and live within a physical body, the inclination of our ego
mind is to take on or identify with its state of matter (this is "My"
body) and its associated emotions ("I Am" afraid, angry, sad, depressed,
jealous, and so on).
Devolution of Consciousness
Deep down, all souls hold the memory of separation from "The One".
Whatever brought about this real or perceived separation or "Fall from
Grace", be it a mysterious act of God or a rebellious act of angel,
demon or man, the result was the same - a slowing down of the
Kundalini's vibrations resulting in the body mind transition into a
denser state of energy and a clouded over or veiled consciousness.
Using the various states of water as an analogy:
The Kundalini in its "etheric" state...
vibrates quickly to rise and expand
(higher spiritual consciousness).
The Kundalini in its "Astral” state...
vibrates easily to flow into any shape
(the mind or psyche).
The Kundalini in its "Physical" state...
vibrates slow to be as solid as ice
(the actual spinal cord and brain).
While the vibrations of the body mind devolve, the consciousness of the
personal ego self may begin to identify with these various denser
states of matter and being. To be clear, it is not the soul that is
devolving, but the vibrational layers of created constructs that
surrounds it. The soul itself is eternally free, but it can (through
intention and desire of the ego self) be surrounded, veiled or hidden
from human awareness, with layers of dense vibrations till the human
loses sight of its pure identity/essence and gets lost in the illusion
it has cloaked itself with.
The Quickening
The lower vibrations within the spine can likewise be awakened,
accelerated, supported and stimulated by applying higher vibrations
through the core of ones body mind. In this "Quickened" there is a
release of density which allows for an increase of energy flow, often
felt as physical and psychic heat. The (icy) density within begins to
vibrate at a faster and faster rate until the Kundalini energies
"transform" or "transmute" the lower vibrations into a subtler and
subtler state. And as the energies ascend (like steam, or mercury in a
thermometer) what is revealed are the more astral (liquid)... and then
the more etheric (steam) levels of ones underlying spiritual
Auras - The Divine Light
The "Divine Light" shinning through the multi-dimensional layers/veils
of density surrounding and permeating the embodied soul is called the
"Aura". The colors and intensity of the aura basically correspond to the
souls innate vibration and its immediate thoughts and feelings (as well
as numerous other factors). Those who are psychically sensitive to
perceiving this aura are called "clairvoyant". For those who cannot see
the aura, a Kirlian Camera can be used. Here is one such example of a
Kirlian aura photograph (taken of myself many years ago).
Auras and Density
The phenomena of the aura has been well known for ages. The most classic
examples are of Jesus and his disciples depicted with white or golden
halos around their heads! Such bright, light, pastel colors in the aura
show up in souls who are open, clear and connected to the highest subtle
etheric realms of spirit.
Souls who are more oriented and connected to the emotional "astral"
dimensional realms would show an aura that has more vivid florescent
Souls who are oriented, connected - and grounded - to the physical
density of the earth hold lower vibrations in their energy field, and
thus would show condensed or darker colors in their aura. NOTE: A soul
who is so grounded into the physical dimension and has a dark colored
aura is different than a soul whose aura is partly or completely BLACK.
Black in the aura indicates there is NO love or light coming in or
through. But that doesn't mean black souls don't exist ! Black
souls... empty, lost and disconnected from the Divine Source are like
black holes that WILL suck the light and life force out of everything
and everyone around! (really). The Divine Light or as some say, The
Christ Consciousness, is of light, love and life. If put to a mirror,
you would see that the opposite of "live" is "evil" (coincidence?). Evil
or as some would say, "the anti-christ", happens to be a self aware
consciousness, one that lives and hides in the deepest darkest shadows
and realms that touch upon and worm through those areas of the aura that
are black. Fortunately there are very few souls whose aura is totally
and completely black - there is always some degree of light and life
that shines forth in everyone. In fact, many souls display a mixed aura:
subtle light colors in the higher chakras (around the head), some vivid
bright astral colors (here and there), and some more condensed darker
colors (esp in the lower chakras). But the warning still stands: there
always is a chance that some darkness is blocking the divine light from
flowing through some part of your aura allowing for some dark negative
entity to bleed through your energy field and consciousness. This I feel
is why healers or therapists, no matter how much they feel or believe
they are of the light and have love in their heart, must not give up
doing the inner work (especially if you are a healer or therapist !).
We all started this journey of
creation as beings in and of the light. As we traveled through the
materialization process, our soul took on greater and greater
densities, our inner light became covered and hidden, and we got lost
in the illusion of separation. The spiritual path is our journey back
to experiencing our original State of Grace... it is a "Return to
Innocence" - the realization of our inner light and its oneness with
Liberation - the Big Stretch
As the Soul experiences itself in these higher or lower states of being,
the difficulty and danger occurs when that part of its ego-mind begins
to "identify" with and attach itself to these limited states of matter.
Healing at this point becomes more than simply the transformation of
energies and vibrations from one state to another... one must also
liberate the ego-mind "consciousness" from its identifications and
If we cease to “change” and “flow”... that is to say, if we stop moving,
stretching or expanding... our minds, thoughts, energies, emotions and
body become more and more stagnated, congested, contracted, darker and
denser... till our physical body can no longer hold our life force and
it -this physical bodily shell- dies.
To experience a more abundant life, we must be in a state of constant
change and “stretch” or “expand” in every which way possible. Life
itself does have a way of naturally doing this, but we also can
proactively help it along. There are many spiritual paths and practices
that attempt this, and each has it's place. What I am offering here is
one of them.
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