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Energetic Multi-Dimensional SPIRIT PORTAL

Gateway to Merlins
Magical Mystery School
Spiritual Healing Temple

Meet Your Healer - David Raphael Isaacson

My name is
David Raphael Isaacson

I have been offering remote (long distance) healing sessions online since 1999, but my own spiritual healing journey started much earlier (see Bio). This website is a humble expression of that life long process and passion.

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In order to support your spiritual growth and healing, I present 2 basic offerings categorized as: Information and Preparation.

The first (and free) offering is the massive amount of metaphysical information considered the "Revealed Teachings" of Merlins Magical Mystery School. Here we will try to fill in the gaps of your "mental understanding" about Spirituality and Healing

ENTER - Merlin's Magical Mystery School

The next and most important offering is the healing work itself as Sourced and Transmitted from Cosmic Consciousness, channeled through the "container" of my Spiritual Healing Temple. This healing work will help prepare your body mind and spirit to open up and reveal your personal "Hidden Teachings". Considered the "meat and potatoes" of spiritual knowledge, these "Hidden Teachings" are not to be found in any book or taught in any classroom but are located within the "Inner Temple" of your very own being. The "Revealed Teachings" are mere shadows, meaningless without a direct experience of these deeper "Inner Truths"

Begin Your Journey - Enter the Healing Temple

Complimentary Consultations
What's happening - What's needed

Spiritual Healing Services
A comprehensive List

Free Introductory Session
For New Clients Only

Spiritual Space Clearing
Residential and Business

Transformational Journeys
One or Three Month Long Intensives

Healing Testimonials Reviews
Experiences - Inspiration - Possibilities

Purchase your Sessions
Start or Continue Your Healing Journey

I look forward to building and deepening a spiritual relationship with you, that we may weave together the light of our combined humanity. I pray that through this work your sufferings shall be diminished and your joys magnified.

Peace and Blessings
Love and Light
David Raphael Isaacson
 sufi winged heart


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